It’s Not All Carbs and Cardio


It’s Not All Carbs and Cardio.

When it comes to weight loss or “getting fit,” there is so much attention given to cardio and carbohydrates. Both are important, but they aren’t usually the answer for those struggling to get on track.

It’s often your thoughts about food and yourself that’s keeping you stuck—not the carbs. It’s how one uses cardio as a form of punishment that holds you back—not the cardio.

Here’s the truth: How you think about your fitness, wellness and self will predict where you will go and if you will stay the course. I see it over and over again.

“I like food too much to lose weight.” — Of course you won’t change with that attitude! And…who says you can’t like food AND lose weight?

“I’m gross. I can’t believe I ate XYZ. I have to do cardio twice tomorrow.” - Using fitness as punishment will bruise your soul eventually draining you of ALL your motivation to keep going. Girl, you don’t have time for that!

“I won’t let myself buy a single thing until I am a size X.” - You are telling yourself you don’t deserve to celebrate you as you are today. Why would you deserve to consistently take care of yourself either?

“I’ll just stop eating carbs until the weight is off.” - Hold your breath and gritting your teeth until you reach your goal is sure to lead to a rebound. Instead, be patient with slower result that last for life. Do it once right, and you don’t have to keep redoing it!

I want you to start thinking about yourself and the process another way. What if you create intentions and affirmations that reflect how you want to feel and direct your daily actions? For example:

“I choose to eat nutrient-rich foods that make me feel good in the moment, an hour later and tomorrow so I can feel invigorated and on fire for my goals.”

“I celebrate every step of my wellness journey. I deserve to feel good and reward myself along the way.”

“I will learn to eat in a balanced way that I can maintain for life so I am establishing habits that I can carry forward forever—not just during weight loss.”

Re-sculpting your mindset is one of the MOST IMPORTANT things we will do during the JaimeFit FOR THE LOVE OF BOD 8-Week Challenge kicking off February 15th. If you could use a little mindset makeover, join the journey with me! It’s only $48.99 per month for follow-along workouts, nutrition mindset, workshops and more. And, if you join by February 14th, you’ll receive a complimentary Heart & Soul Booty Band!

If you’d like to learn more about the 5 lies the fitness industry wants you to believe, tune into my Facebook Live
Tuesday, February 9th at 12pm est in my Lifting Mind, Booty & Soul Group.

Jaime Baird