Help the Hangry Chick

This is the time of year we’re totally pumped for our goals. We're ready to drink more water and less wine, eat more green stuff and sweat it up. We actually look forward to all of this, because we KNOW it feels sooo good. But, then life happens. Can you relate to this story?


Monday Morning Goddess.

By 7:15 AM Monday morning, the "on fire for her goals" goddess (we’ll call her Sue) has worked out, all her meals prepped for the day and her kiddos buckled in for drop off. Sue is off to slay the day.


The Slow Unravel Called “Life”

Then came dialing in the nutrition. Crissy was making good choices. But, we uncovered that her fat and sugar were consistently too high. I call this “too much of a good thing.”

I see this a lot. Fit-minded ladies having too much fat and sugar from nutrient rich foods like avocados, frozen fruit, etc. While these foods are healthy, a calorie surplus from “good” foods is still stored as fat.

We made adjustments, and her fat loss began.

After a few kick ass days, Wednesday rolls around and Sue’s feeling a little tired so she put off her workout until the afternoon. No biggie. She can make it happen.

But, the school just called. A classmate of Sue’s son has Covid, she must pick her kiddo up. Soooo now the gym isn’t an option for her.

As she’s driving her kiddo home from school, Sue’s best client calls to request a detailed progress report on Q1 goals. She doesn’t have time for it, but this client rarely asks for favors, and she really wants to help.

Sue thinks, “Well, groceries should be delivered soon, so I will make something to eat and attack that report.”

Great plan, except Sue just realized she never actually placed the grocery order. That’s something she usually does from the StepMill while at the gym. UGH.


Red Alert.

Sue is now hungry, tired, stressed, annoyed…a.k.a. HANGRY. She doesn’t have time or energy to go to the store. Her mindset is now: “Screw it, whatever is in the pantry will do.” Her goals are the last thing on her mind.

When she enters the pantry, she sees tortilla chips, peanut butter, cookies, Lucky Charms and tuna. You can probably guess which ones she chose. (Hint: It wasn’t tuna, because that required a can opener. And, the hangry chick didn’t have the patience for that!)


3 Tips To Help Your Inner Hangry Chick.

We all have experienced something similar to Sue. All the best intentions and motivations. But reality (or, as I call it, “the resistance”) comes for you and catches you flat footed.

Some days you may be able to power through and make those obstacles your beotch. Other days, the hangry chick just doesn’t have the willpower.

Here we go.

1- Remove the temptations from your house. If you want something bad enough to get in your car and drive to get it, it might just be worth it! If you can’t get rid of it due to kiddos, hubbies or wives, at least get the goodies out of your sight line or reach. Put sweets in double ziplocks in the freezer. Put the other snacks at a height you need a ladder to reach.

2- Revisit your why. Give yourself subtle (or not so subtle) reminders where you typically find yourself “threatened.” I have clients that put little notes on items to remind them to choose something different.

3- Make it hard to fail. Have precut veggies and fruit, turkey meatballs cooked, sliced turkey, tofu or whatever you like in the fridge ready for you. Even a frozen meal by Lean Cuisine can be a great emergency meal.

Want some other ideas?

Watch this video -
VIBE CHECK: 3 Ways To Align Goals With Surroundings


Jaime Baird | Wellness Expert


LifestyleJaime Baird