From Too Busy to Totally Fit


From Too Busy To Loving Herself Fit
Elizabeth James, JaimeFit Member

2020 isn’t how any of us pictured. But, we each have a choice: get down or rise up. Elizabeth James chose to RISE & SHINE!

This Busy Mama, Wife & Business Owner won the JaimeFit September Fast Blast Challenge🚀. Elizabeth, along with the other ladies of JaimeFit, stopped letting “lack of time” keep them from their fitness. Instead, each dedicated at least 30 minutes five days a week for results more powerful than a number on a scale. 💪

Elizabeth’s JaimeFit journey began months ago when she decided COVID won’t get her down. She said NO to the "Tiger King" and YES to falling back in love with fitness after years of putting herself on the back burner and recovering from a hip replacement. Now, Beth is ROCKING that Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Black & White Polka Dot Bikini that hasn’t seen the sun in years.

"For so long I have let that 'this is the stage in life that I am in’ be my 'I'll get to me later' excuse. I am done with that, and I am on a mission to get my fitness right. By caring for myself first I am better equipped to serve my friends, family and clients, period!

A Few Things Beth Loves About JaimeFit:

"The JaimeFit group is so solid! Lovely ladies all supporting each other! So good! Blessed to be a part of it."

"I don’t have to think, “What should I do today?” The monthly JaimeFit calendar makes it simple. I can do the workouts from the App or Website when I have an opening in my day. It fits in my schedule.. but it’s also on a schedule."

"The follow-along workouts are hard! Kicks my a** every time, but totally encouraging and doable.”

Ready to shake off the 2020 funk and get back to work on YOU?

The 🍑JaimeFit October Booty Beautiful Challenge kicking off October 5th is a GREAT way to start! We'll lift, shape and strengthen our bums, improve our overall fitness and have some FUN.

To sign up for the Challenge, all you need to do is JOIN JAIMEFIT! You can experience it free for the first 7 days. If you love it, hang around for the results!

BodyJaime Baird